April is here!
March certainly went out like a lion, didn’t it? We needed the moisture but the shoveling…not so much. With that Colorado Low in our rearview mirror, let’s look ahead to this new month and what it will bring!
As this edition goes to print, our 5th draw of our Online 50/50 will have been completed on March 27th! Thank you all who bought tickets! The excitement is already building for Draw #6 that will take place at the end of June. Be part of it! Every ticket you purchase directly helps us support NES. And, what if you win?? How would you use the extra $$$? It’s time to buy your tickets and start dreaming!


With the bitter cold (hopefully!) behind us, it’s a perfect time to prepare for next winter. NFRA’s Firewood Raffle is on again for 2024! With immense thanks to Chaschuk Enterprises for the donation of cut, split, delivered firewood. NFRA is happy to announce Tickets are Now Available!
Come see us at our booth, April 5-7 at the 2024 Home and Garden Show in the Cardinal Room of the CLE! We will be selling firewood raffle tickets! We now have the ability to accept Debit or Credit too! Tickets make great gifts for birthdays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, etc. or just for you, to take the burden off of cutting and splitting all that wood! Only 2000 tickets are available, get yours soon!
Tickets are now available at these fine retailers, supporting our community:
- AJ’s Trading Post, Hwy 61
- Canadian Tire, 1221 Arthur St
- Chaschuk Enterprises Ltd, 36 Barrie Drive
- Floyd’s Glass 316 Euclid Ave.
- Green Acre Variety, Hwy 595
- Neebing Municipal Office, Hwy 61
- Pines Hardware, Kakabeka Falls
- Rosslyn Service, 3404 Rosslyn Rd
- Santorelli Car/Truck Stop, Hwy 130
- South Neebing Variety, Hwy 61
- Thunder Bay Co-op and Farm Supplies, 560 Boundary Drive
- Thunder Oak Cheese Farm, 661 Boundary Drive
1st Prize
6 full cords of birch firewood that will be cut, split, and delivered within a 30km radius of 36 Barrie Dr, Slate River, ON.
Wood and services donated by Chaschuk Enterprises Ltd. (Value ~2324.00 + HST)
2nd Prize
4 full cords of birch firewood that will be cut, split, and delivered within a 30km radius of 36 Barrie Dr, Slate River, ON.
Wood and services donated by Chaschuk Enterprises Ltd. (Value ~1666.00 + HST)
Draw Date: Monday, July 1st, 2024 @ 3:00pm
Draw Location: Neebing Municipal Complex, 4766 Hwy 61, Neebing, ON
Ticket Price: $10 each, or 3 for $25
(Cash Only! Only 2000 total tickets available, so don’t delay!)
License: M690546
Tickets cannot be purchased by, for or on behalf of persons under the age of 18.
Prize awarded as stated. No cash value. 2000 tickets printed.

Your purchases help us support Neebing Emergency Services. Thank you. You help make Neebing a great place to live.
Be safe, be well and be kind.
Joy Harris
NFRA – President
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